Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Thelma and Harry

I was not aware that this couple WERE NOT "Family" for quite some years. I was even more shocked to learn that they WERE NOT dead until MUCH LATER, some twelve years after we stopped going over. What happened? I have only the vaguest of ideas, and it may simply be part of some half or less remembered dream. 
It seems that there was some sort of disagreement, possibly something to do with Harry having had a heart attack and needing peace and quiet. I sort of take it they maybe felt they were "being played" financially by mom. They were a childless couple she called "Aunt" and "Uncle" and it seems maybe they thought it best to have her take her children and go. 
Whatever it actually was, it seems that roughly twelve years later is when they were actually to pass on, so it would seem that effectively "we just quit going over" for good afterward.

I think they were people my grandmother had known and grown up with. Thelma was a retired school teacher, oddly at a local school which seems to have no real record of having existed, said to be where IGA has been located for nearly 60 years. He was a heavy equipment operator who had worked on the Keystone dam. They lived in the red brick house directly behind KFC, which still stands to this day. Other than that they are a mystery to me at this point in time.


1 comment:

  1. Aunt Thelma grew up with Grandma Burris. Mom and I visited a few times after Harry died.
